Use Video Production To Create Superpowered Marketing

Video production is an effective way to showcase products, engage customers in storytelling, and connect with a large audience. In a world where so many people are skeptical of advertising, a video is a powerful branding tool. Video is a staple of any successful marketing strategy. A quality video is a creative asset that can be repurposed.

Video offers a versatile way to reach a larger audience on different platforms. A social media video can be a larger part of a campaign. That same video or shooting session can be repurposed for television. That’s one example of how a single video can be used to generate leads over time. Using video is also a beautiful way to help any brand come to life.

The importance of storytelling

Getting the audience to respond to marketing depends on how powerful the story is being told. The fastest way to communicate any story is through video. Effective brand storytelling helps the audience to relate to the message on a deeper level. Audiences are 22 times more likely to remember what they watched versus a presentation of facts.

Communicating a brand story through video adds personality and depth to marketing efforts. Using video to tell your brand story  is also an effective way to build your brand voice and establish credibility. For the story to come through clearly, it’s the tools and the team that determine the quality of the video.

How to create a high-quality video the audience will love

First, to tell a great story, the video should be scripted. Everything from camera shots to dialogue should be noted within the script. Once this is done, props are collected, location is decided, and talent is hired, the video is ready to be shot.

The company should have a high-quality camera available to them. Recent developments in mobile phone technology creates the opportunity for people to shoot on their phone in up to 4K. Professional videographers know how to use camera angles to tell a story from different perspectives.

This is useful for creating high quality visuals, but what about the audio? Recording and mixing quality sound for a video depends on the microphone being used. Sometimes a phone microphone is enough. Most times, the shoot requires a lapel mic or other professional mic solution to capture sound without background noise.

Lighting also plays a part in creating high-quality videos. Having professionals set up lighting can make a world of difference as they understand how to create moods and mute shadows and glare in efficient ways.

Once the video is shot, it needs to be edited in a cohesive way that tells the desired story well. Color grading and motion graphics may need to be added. These are intricate details that require a professional touch. All videos should have the same color temperature and look like they belong together.

These are the basics of create high-quality vidoes for marketing. Here are some ways to supercharge marketing with video production.

How to include video production in marketing strategy

Gone are the days when companies have to use television as their primary video marketing method. Vlogging, reviews, and social videos are two awesome ways to use video production for marketing campaigns. Two other ways are team highlights and online courses.


Vlogging can include customers and potential customers in telling the brand story. They can give direct feedback under the videos. Vlogs can be from influencers who test the products. Internal vlogs can come from personnel that work for the company. They can explain how products are made and invite people to become part of creating products.

Customer reviews

Showing off product features and benefits is sometimes best done through video. Having people record videos of themselves using and reviewing the product is a powerful way to build social proof. These videos can be used on the company website and shared as repurposed content on social media.

Social video

Reels and live videos are engaging methods of including social video in marketing. Reels are 30-second social media videos that have short messages or tutorials. They are great for targeting audiences as they can be watched and shared fast. Live videos can be scheduled as events that followers and audience members can attend or stream later.

Team highlights

When employees and team members feel appreciated, they are more likely to stay loyal to the company. A video series highlighting their achievements and efforts within the company boosts their morale. “Jake from State Farm” is a perfect representation of this concept.

Online courses

Providing value through online courses can drive quality traffic to your website. People who are interested in already existing products may be ones who want to learn about related topics. Tutorials can become micro courses that educate consumers about products and their various uses. This can be useful when releasing new products.