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How do I get my business on Google through GMB?

If your Google My Business is SEO-friendly, you can increase your brand awareness, obtain new leads, and drive more sales. As such, GMB is a useful business tool to take into account during your e-marketing ventures.

Add Primary Keywords to Your GMB Listing

Adding relevant keywords into your GMB listing is key to helping your business rank on Google. This helps consumers find your listing based on key terms they search. If these key terms are prominent in your GMB listing, then you increase the chances that the right customers will find you.

To do this, you can input your keywords in your business’s description, the FAQ section, and testimonials. In your description, implement the focused keywords into the few sentences used to describe what your business offers. In your FAQ, you can incorporate the keywords in your questions and answers. Lastly, you can ask satisfied customers to write testimonials for you. If they don’t use your keywords naturally, you can ask your customers to include them in their reviews.

Keep Your Information up to Date

Keeping information such as contact information, business locations, and opening hours up to date is key to helping your customers find you. An updated GMB listing increases your business’ visibility in local search results. As Google takes into account the user’s physical location, the correct business location ensures that your business shows up when potential customers search for your offerings.

Add Photos

There are three essential types of photos you should add to your GMB listing: your logo, cover photo, and relevant business-related images (e.g., pictures of the building, product pictures…etc). Adding a logo ensures that your brand is recognizable when people search for your business. A high-quality cover photo is a great way to introduce your business to people. As the cover photo is the first picture people see of your business, ensure that it is carefully selected. Moreover, additional relevant images can help with image searches. This can make consumers more interested in visiting your company.

Post to Your Google Business Profile

Google posts are essential to your SEO strategy. They’re 100-300 word posts that often include a photo or video. You can use these to emphasize promotions, sales, or events for your business. As these posts expire after 7 days, they’re a great way to show people that your business offerings are fresh and relevant. Additionally, Google rewards such relevant posts by promoting them with higher search rankings.

Make Use of GMB’s Product Editor

If your business offers products to your customers, GMB’s Product Editor is extremely useful in showcasing your products. Using this feature, you can offer product information such as prices, product details, and photos to your customers. This helps them get a better idea of what your products entail. Showcasing this product information helps Google understand what your business does. This will also help with ranking you higher in relevant results.


It’s important that you, as a business, consider all of the online possibilities for self-promotion. Using GMB, you can position your business in a way that helps customers find you easily. If your GMB is SEO-friendly, you can increase your brand awareness, obtain new leads, and drive more sales. As such, GMB is a useful business tool to take into account during your e-marketing ventures.

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