What is a Google Ads Specialist?

As a business owner, you understand the importance of advertising. You recognize that more clicks to your website means more business, which means more profits.

You’ve likely been exploring options for pay-per-click advertising, and come across the term Google Ads Specialist. Let’s look at what that actually means.

Google Ads

You may already be trying to increase your website traffic using Google Ads. You recognize that you need to use the keyword search terms that your prospects are using. You know you have what they’re looking for. You just need to get them to your site and then let your product and services speak for themselves.

But who has time to learn yet another marketing technique, especially when you’re trying to run your business? This is where a Google Ads Specialist can make all the difference.

Pay-per-click advertising is targeted advertising at its best. Once potential customers land on your website, you get to show them what you can do for them and make that sale.

Google Ads displays your site to potential buyers when they search for terms that match your business’s products or services. With a Google Ads specialist, you’ll be able to highlight what makes your business unique and use the keywords that lead potential customers straight to you. You’ll reduce your bounce rate by attracting shoppers who are genuinely interested in your product and ensure they visit your site instead of your direct competitor’s.

Google Analytics

Google Ads Specialists use Google Analytics to make recommendations for your site. This knowledge is important for understanding what’s currently happening, so that the changes made will actually make a difference to your visitor numbers.

Google Analytics is a free program that shows you what is happening with the traffic that currently hits your website. It analyzes the statistics and gives you a report. This data is hugely beneficial, giving you vital information about who is visiting your site, how long they stay, what they interact with on your site, and at what point they either bounce or buy. However, if you don’t know what to do with this information, then it’s just a lot of numbers and graphs.

A Google Ads Specialist can take the insights from the Google Analytics report from your site and make qualified recommendations to increase traffic and decrease bounce rates. You want to make each click count, especially if you’ve signed up for PPC advertising. Put that investment to work building your business and making you more money rather than wasting it.

Google Ads Specialist Certification

Of course, you may have interviewed people who claim to be marketing experts and say they can help you land more traffic. They throw around terms like SEO, marketing ROI, and conversion rates. They may even claim to have an expert level understanding of Google Ads and Analytics. You may believe that you have many of these skills yourself. So why look for someone with a Google Ads Specialist Certification?

The certification process is a professional accreditation that demonstrates Google’s recognition of the expertise of the individual or team in online advertising. Google Ads Certification is available in several areas, including:

  • Google Ads Search
  • Google Ads Display
  • Shopping ads
  • Google Ads Measurement Certification

Google Ads Specialist Certification requires completing the program and passing the exam with at least 80%. This certification is only good for one year, which means the Specialist must write the exam annually. Google Ads Specialists are knowledgable, recognized and certified by Google, and remain up to date with current trends thanks to the annual recertification process.

Ready to hire a Google Ads Specialist?

Stop wasting time and money hiring “marketing experts” who think they understand Google Ads but can’t show you the growth you can expect – and deserve, by instead hiring a Google Ads Specialist from the team at Spin Modern.

Get people to your site so they can see what you do and buy your product. Don’t spend more of your valuable time trying to learn yet another tech skill that takes time away from providing quality products and services. Spend more time doing what you love and leave the Google Ads and Analytics to the team at Spin Modern.

The Google Ads Specialists at Spin Modern have the know-how to get you the website traffic you’ve been wanting, with real customers who will spend their money on your product. Stop spinning your wheels and grow the business of your dreams with a Google Ads Specialist at Spin Modern.