The vibrant community of Hispanic origin consists of the fastest growing ethnic group in the U.S. and plays a major role in shaping our economy and society. According to the Pew Research Center, the Hispanic population in the U.S. is now at least 60 million strong. That’s a sizable market, especially if you reside in a region with a sizable Hispanic population! But, Hispanics have been impacted as an underserved community when it comes to marketing efforts. We’d like to bring awareness to this issue and share how Spin Modern can assist this significant community.

Why Hispanics Are Being Underserved

Most advertising agencies underestimate the significance of reaching out to today’s Hispanic community, even in border areas with a long-standing Hispanic majority. The Spanish-speaking market has significant purchasing power and is one of the fastest-growing consumer segments in the U.S.

Effective Hispanic marketing strategies necessitate a shift away from traditional marketing tactics and a deeper grasp of the Hispanic population’s cultural differences.

Many advertising agencies either ignore the Hispanic market altogether or make preventable errors that render their efforts unsuccessful. In the worst-case scenario, some erroneous marketing attempts alienate potential Hispanic consumers by being tone-deaf to the target audience’s specific social and cultural demands.

Our Efforts To Assisting The Hispanic Community

Our Business Marketing Consultant here at Spin Modern, Marcela, has a unique philosophy that encompasses a broader understanding of marketing communications beyond just the Spanish language. The Hispanic community is multi-layered and complex, the product of a mix of cultures that must be understood in order to engage and create a lasting impression on customers, and we’re here to collaborate with you!

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